Saturday, November 17, 2012


Alright, sixth times the charm apparently. I've tried almost every day for a week to make this update but it wouldn't let me upload my pictures and that was very frustrating. Anyway, my husband, Brad, has been out of town since Holloween. He went up to New Jersey to help with the storm clean up and is coming home tonight!! He is doing well since the surgery and my life has been very hectic as my schedule at work has changed around all summer long and I've been called in for other people being sick a lot so I haven't had much down time. Brad and I have joined a local church and love being part of it and having a church family. It is the first time I have been a member of a church. Other than that life has just been a bit of a blur. 

I made meatloaf the other night with my regular recipe but cooked it in my Pampered Chef Deep Covered Baker for the first time and oh my gosh it was so moist and yummy. I will be cooking it like that from now on. Definitely a good choice to try that. Here are my pictures and recipe.....

1 1/2 lb extra lean ground beef
1 can (10 3/4 oz) condensed tomato soup, divided
1 pkg (6 oz) Stove Top stuffing mix for chicken 
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 onion, chopped
1 tsp, dried thyme leaves
1/4 cup chili sauce or BBQ sauce

*now I didn't have egg so i used 1/8 cup ketchup plus 1/8 cup flour and mixed them well before adding them to the mixture. Also I used the savory herbs stove top because I had that instead of the chicken mix but that's what I usually use. I don't use the dried thyme as my husband doesn't care for the flavor

the ingredients
Preheat oven to 350*. Mix meat, 1/2 cup of the soup, stuffing mix, egg, onion and thyme. Press evenly into 8x4 in loaf pan sprayed with cooking spray (again I used my DCB)

before going in the oven, covered   
Bake 55 mins

Meanwhile heat remaining soup with chili or BBQ sauce in small saucepan

BBQ sauce and tomato soup
Spoon over meatloaf just before serving

the finished product
The recipe is super easy and really, really good. I serve with mashed potatoes and veggies. I love doing green bean casserole with it but my husband and son aren't as fond of it as I am, and the one I make is a two day recipe so I have to think ahead of time which is difficult for me. Let me know if you try it and how it turns out and if you tweak it or not.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Alright, been trying to sit down and update for weeks now but everytime I do something happens. A couple of days ago I tried to upload some pictures so I could do a food post and it wouldn't work. I'm trying again tomorrow after work. Until then,